(Solved) iPhone freezes after listening to voicemail
Just like any other smart device, an iPhone is not perfect. If you own this device, you have probably have dealt with certain issues from time to time. Knowing how to solve different issues can save you from a frustrating experience.
One of the common problems with an iPhone is that it sometimes freezes when listening to voicemail.This can prevent you from doing any other activity on the device, such as placing a call.Apple offers different solutions that can help you restore the voicemail functioning and unfreeze an iPhone. Some of them include restarting the iPhone, resetting network settings, working on your network connection, updating the device, restoring the iPhone, or closing all apps. Learn more.
Table of Contents
What you should do when an iPhone freezes after listening to voicemail
Restart the iPhone
If you have noticed your iPhone freezing every time you listen to voicemails, you should reset it. Doing this can reboot the device and help solve issues with the operating system. The process of restarting the device is straightforward. Look for the wake/ sleep button on your iPhone and press it continuously. You need to hold on to it until you notice a red slider that shows up in a few seconds. Once it does, drag it so that you can turn off the iPhone device.
Once the iPhone is off, you should then press on the wake/sleep button one more time until the Apple logo shows up. The logo indicates that the device is now on. You can now confirm if the device has stopped freezing when you listen to voicemails.
Reset network settings
Have you reset the device but still experience the same issue? You should try resetting the network settings. On the device, find settings and then click on the section labeled general. Click on reset, then tap reset network settings.
Check the network connection
If you have been using visual voicemail on an iPhone, you should have a good network connection to avoid issues such as the device suddenly freezing or crashing. You can confirm if you have a good network connection by focusing on the signal status, which shows up on the top corner of your device’s display. If you reside in a low service area, you may experience freezing of the device every time you listen to voicemails due to poor network connections. Looking for ways to boost the wireless signal can help you resolve this issue.
Update your device
Sometimes using an outdated iOS can also make the iPhone free after listening to voicemail. You should therefore ensure that you update the device with iTunes so that you can enhance system performance. Get the latest iOS version before you try to update the iPhone. You should also be using the latest iTunes version so that you can avoid constant connection problems.
Get a USB cable and connect the device to a computer to launch iTunes. Under iTunes, look for the summary tab and click on check for update. iTunes will help you download the latest iOS version. Before you think of updating the iOS, it is important that you backup data to avoid losing useful information on the device. You can also use software updates that Apple releases from time to time to help you resolve such freezing issues.
Close all apps
If you have opened so many apps on an iPhone, the device may freeze when you listen to voicemails. This is because the device may be doing a lot in the background for all the apps you have opened as you use voicemail. Closing all the apps can help you unfreeze the device. This can also free up memory on an iPhone. You can do this by clicking the home button. This will open the app switcher. You can now swipe up on each app so that you can close all of them. Once you do this, check where the iPhone is no longer frozen.
Restore the device
Have you have tried the steps we have highlighted above and still keep on experiencing freezing issues after listening to voicemail, you should restore the iPhone. Though this can be time-consuming, it can help you solve the problem for good since it helps eliminate any software bugs that may be causing the problem. Start by connecting the device to a computer using a USB connector. Once you do this, go to the device menu and click on iPhone. Look for the summary tab, then click restore. Having data backup is also crucial before restoring an iPhone.
A summary of these steps
Reset the iPhone |
Use the wake/ sleep button to turn the device off then on.
Reset network settings |
Click on settings, then general, and tap on reset. Choose reset network settings.
Focus on your network connection |
If you use visual voicemail, you should look for a way to boost the wireless signal so that the iPhone does not keep on freezing.
Update the iPhone |
Use the latest iOS version. |
Close apps |
Opening too many apps can make the iPhone freeze as you listen to voicemails since they lead to insufficient memory. Closing the apps can fix this. |
Restore the device |
Doing this can help get rid of software bugs so that you can unfreeze iPhone. |
When you are using an iPhone to listen to voicemails, it should not freeze or crash from time to time. If this happens, any button that you press will not respond. This occurs due to software or hardware issues. Try the techniques we have given to help unfreeze the iPhone and enjoy functions such as voicemail without such issues.
What should I do if the iPhone’s screen turns black?
Try holding down the sleep/ wake button and volume button simultaneously until the Apple logo shows up.
What makes my iPhone go straight to voicemail?
The do not disturb mode is probably on. This function is designed to send all the incoming messages and calls to voicemail.