How to check if CenturyLink is down

While trying their best, Internet service providers tend to disappoint customers from time to time with outages or poor network speeds. With that reality in mind, sometook steps to get ahead of the problem to avoid heated phone calls from their customers. CenturyLink has done just that by providing its customers with tools they can use when their services are down.

The quickest way to check if CenturyLink is down is by checking the website for updates on outages in your area. If there are none, the issue could be the box. To confirm this, use the CenturyLink Service Troubleshooter on your MyCenturyLink account to run a diagnostics test. Based on the results, you’ll know whether CenturyLink is down and proceed from there.

What causes CenturyLink to go down?

There’s a couple of reasons why CenturyLink is down. They include:

A technical issue with your device: loose cords and wiring can cause CenturyLink to stop working. Check to see if everything is correctly plugged. Otherwise, the problem could be with the modem configuration or a bug that causes the service to stop working or lag.

An issue with your network: In some instances, the equipment given could have a problem and the lines connecting the device to the internet. In such cases, the problem is with your address and not entirely about the device or infrastructure.

Outage in the area: Sometimes, the issue isn’t your account or device, but CenturyLinkhas a network outage where you live. If you can’t get CenturyLink up and running, check for updates from the service provider to know if one, other people are complaining about an outage, two, the company is aware of the issue, and three, are working to restore it.

You missed a payment: If you haven’t paid your subscription fee, CenturyLink will stop working. Check your account to confirm that the service hasn’t been suspended.

What can I do to restore CenturyLink?

Let’s look at a few things you can do to get CenturyLink up and running again.

check if CenturyLink is down

Check for outages

The first thing to check is if there is an outage in your area. That saves time since you won’t have to troubleshoot only to find out your device isn’t the problem. To check if CenturyLink is having an issue in your area, head over to their website. Using your account number in zip code, search to see if there’s an issue. Once you check, you can wait to get notified when the company fixes the problems.

Use the Service Troubleshooter

Before picking up the phone to reach out to CenturyLink customer service, first head over to their Service Troubleshooter, apart from checking issues in the area, you can use the tool to identify existing problems with your line. From there, you can use the same tool to start the repair process by raising a ticket. You have the option of opting for alerts when the issue gets fixed.

What’s great about the Service Troubleshooter is that you can create, managed, or even cancel any tickets you’ve opened for repair requests. You can do this for both your phone and other deviceswithout having to call customer service. It may appear impersonal for some, but it’s a quick way to troubleshoot.

Tips to consider when using the Service Troubleshooter

Here are a couple of things you’ll need to know to use the tool seamlessly.

– You will need your account number, the billing phone number, and the zip code you’re in. Depending on your area, the account number can either be 9, 11, or 13 digits.

– You can troubleshoot your internet or phone services from your MyCenturyLink account. Under My Products, click on Troubleshoot your Service. It’ll autofill your account information and troubleshoot for you.

– Keep the tab opened while the testing is in progress. Closing the window or shutting down your machine interrupts the progress, and you’ll have to start again.

What do I do if this doesn’t work?

If the Service Troubleshooter doesn’t turn up any issues, then you’ll have to take extra steps to solve the problem. The application will offer you a list of menu choices to identify other common issues from the results brought about. Based on what service is down, you can either choose Phone Problems or Internet Problems. Once you select the service, follow the prompts to help figure out what other issues present.

Once you identify the issue, you have the choice of opening a repair ticket or chat with a support representative.

Things to consider before calling customer care

Other times, the issue is not with CenturyLink but with something in your home. It’s quite surprising how this often tends to be the cause of being unable to access phone or internet services. Here are two things you can confirm first:

– Check that power cords and cables are well pluggedin both into the device and power outlets.

– Consider resetting the modem

If all fails, contact customer services here.

How to check if CenturyLink is down

Common issues
Solutions to getting back online
Outage in the area
Check the CenturyLink website to find out if there’s an outage in your area. You’ll need your account number and zip code
Outage in your home
Troubleshoot your connection using the CenturyLink Service Troubleshooter
Issues with device
– Check if cables and power cords are well connected

– Reset the modem

Final thoughts

Next time your CenturyLink goes down, get on their website to run a quick diagnostic. That’ll help you identify the problem faster, allowing you to make the necessary steps to get your connection back online. In such cases, customer support services don’t necessarily get things sorted out quicker.


How do I reset my modem?

If the issue is with your device, follow this link for a step by step how-to

What is the customer service number for CenturyLink?

Based on whether you have an issue with your phone or internet, you can call the company 24/7 on 800-788-3600 for phone issues and 877-646-3282 for internet repair.

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