(Solved) Google Voice not ringing outgoing calls
Have you been trying to make calls through Google Voice, but they don’t seem to go through? This can be frustrating when you are making urgent calls.
Though Google Voice enables people to make calls easily, people have been reporting different issues from time to time. Some reveal Google Voice fails to ring when one is making outgoing calls. If you have experienced this problem, you should format the phone number properly, enter the correct country code, buy credits when making an international call or refresh your browser. Read on!
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How to make outgoing calls with Google Voice
Google Voice can save you money since it gives you a chance to make calls within the US free of charge. You only need your Google Voice number for you to start making domestic calls. To make the call, you should open the voice app available on your Android device. On the top part, click on the menu, then choose settings.
Look for the section labeled calls and click on calls on your device’s phone app. You can now specify when you wish to utilize voice for calls. If, for instance, you want to use voice to make all calls or international calls only, check these specific sections. You will also notice a section labeled driving mode. Specify that you would like to use voice every time you are driving to avoid any risks of causing an accident.
What to do when Google Voice is not ringing outgoing calls
In this modern age, almost everyone relies on mobile phones to keep in touch with others. When you try to make calls using Google Voice, but there is no ringing, it is a big problem since you may not reach your contacts. You can try to solve this by doing the following.
Confirm that the phone number is formatted properly
Sometimes if the phone number you are trying to call is improperly formatted, you may have problems reaching the recipient. If you call the number and notice that Google Voice is not ringing, confirm the number one more time. Instead of copy-pasting the number, consider typing the phone number you wish to call and see if there are any changes.
Use the correct country code when making an international call
One of the reasons many people use Google Voice is that it allows them to make international calls. You can either do this from a mobile phone or computer. The cost of making such calls through Google Voice differs depending on the specific country you are in.Some people report that Google Voice does not ring when making international calls. If you can relate, you need to confirm that you have entered the right country code. Also, ensure that you don’t enter this code more than once.
Ensure you have enough credit
If you are not utilizing a Google Workspace account, you need to have enough credit for you make outgoing calls. The lack of having enough credit can make Google Voice not ring as expected. When you are making outgoing calls from the US to a recipient in the same region or Canada, Google Voice will not charge you anything. Making calls outside the US is, however, not free. You need some credit to achieve this. For your outgoing calls to go through, you should first buy credit.
You can do this through your Android device. Go to the Voice app on your device and click on the menu then settings. Look for the payment option, then on add credit. Choose the amount of credit you would like to add to the balance, then choose the payment method you wish to use. Once you click on buy, you will get a confirmation email showing the purchase. You can also check how much international calls cost if you are not sure of this. If you don’t know your balance, open the voice app on an Android device and tap on the menu. Go to settings and look for payments. This is where you can check your current balance.
Voice calls may not be available in the region you are in
Since Google voice does not work everywhere, you may not be able to make voice calls from certain regions. This telephone service is only available in the US. If you choose to visit areas such as Korea, Cuba, or India and try to use Google Voice, it may not ring when you make outgoing calls. In this case, the only option would be to wait until you get back to the US to continue making calls.
Here is a summary of what you should do
Format the phone number properly |
Do not copy-paste the number you wish to call. Instead, type it and confirm that it is correct. |
Use the right country code. |
You need to use the correct code when making international calls. |
Add credits |
If you are calling someone outside the US, you may need to pay when using Google Voice. |
Confirm if voice calls are available where you are |
Google Voice does not work everywhere. If you visit another region outside the US, you may not be able to make outgoing calls. |
Most Americans appreciate the flexibility that comes from Google Voice. This telephone service gives you the chance to make calls at no cost from the US. Despite its benefits, some people have been reporting all kinds of issues with the service. If you have noticed that Google Voice does not ring when you try to make outgoing calls, you should try doing some of the things we have highlighted above.
Can refreshing my browser help me start making outgoing calls with Google Voice?
Yes. If you are making a call from your computer and you notice that Google Voice is not ringing, refreshing your browser can help.
What is the purpose of a Google Voice number?
Google Voice can give you a specific number that can help you start forwarding calls to other numbers.