CenturyLink vs. Wave G
For most people streaming of movies is a part of life. This means you need a reliable and fast ISP so that you do not have any interference to your connection. Wave G and CenturyLink both offer gigabit internet to their customers. This means you are able to download stuff while engage in secure, internet connections. While CenturyLink has been in the market for decades Wave G is relatively new and limited to select cities.
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When to use CenturyLink Internet service provider
CenturyLink a ISP with roots dating back to 1930s. The company offers its internet plans via DSL, fiber and cable. If you live in an area with established telephone infrastructure than CenturyLink is a provider of choice. The best part about the ISP is that it offers different internet plans each ideal to meet particular internet needs. The company scrapped data caps and its fiber internet is one of the best and fastest in the market. CenturyLink is widely available in over 37 states and its fiber is available in 25 of these states.
When to use Wave G Internet service provider
Wave G provides residential Gigabit internet services in areas like Seattle, West Coast cities like California to Canada. It is also available in San Francisco and Portland. The company’s internet is reliable and fast. You do not have data caps, contracts, hidden fees and you get access to friendly customer care team.
How to evaluate CenturyLink and Wave G
While the two service providers have different game plans on how they supply their internet to customers we have been able to evaluate them based on the following characteristics.
- Coverage: This refers to a ISP reach. Some have a countrywide reach while others are relegated to particular cities.
- Data cap: this is a set limit by a service provider and from which you are unable to access more internet unless you purchase
- Technology: Some service providers can use superior technology than others and this contributes to your overall internet experience
- Customer support: This relates to how fast a service provider responds to customer queries whenever there is an issues. The ASCI ascribes scores based on consumer experiences
CenturyLink vs. Wave G – A Comparison Overview
CenturyLink Review
CenturyLink has being in the market for quite sometime since the 1930s and this has enabled it offer internet services to over 37 states in the US. It offers its internet plans via DSL, cable and fiber. The company does offer flexible internet plans that go from $50 to $65. The data plans give you access to 100Mbps to 940Mbps. CenturyLink has risen over the years to become one of the most preferred ISPs in the country. However, its fiber is yet to be made available in most states and is only available in 24 of them. Customers have also complained a lot in regards to its customer care team which many find to be unreliable. The company’s DSL is also rated to be unreliable during on-peak hours.
- Wide coverage
- Reliable and fast internet speeds
- Affordable internet plans
Customer service not up to par
Wave G Review
Wave offers fast and reliable internet, home plans, and TV throughout Oregon, Washington, and California. The company’s reliable internet is suitable for streaming, Wi-Fi, and gaming. You can subscribe to their TV services and get access to uninterrupted premium channels. This is powered by TiVo which helps bring 4K channels and movies to your screen. The service provider is also big on customer care and this ensures you enjoy the whole experience. Wave goes further when it comes to technology by enabling you to establish a mesh network in your home that is powered by eero.
- Great technology
- Gigabit internet
- Affordable pricing
Not widely available
How does CenturyLink and Wave G compare
Wave G is a relatively new service provide with roots in Seattle in 2008. The company has being on an expansion spree and now also offers internet to cities like West coast cities of California, San Francisco and Portland. CenturyLink is older than Wave G and has a presence in over 37 states. It offers both DSL, fiber and cable. The company’s fiber internet has being on the rise and is now offered in over 25 states. CenturyLink has better coverage than Wave G.
Data cap
While CenturyLink had a data cap of 1TB this was scrapped and you can now enjoy uninterrupted internet. Wave does have a data cap of 2 TB from where you will realize that your internet connection has become a bit sluggish.
Wave G has more to offer in terms of technological advancements than CenturyLink. The company for example has partnered with TiVo to provide 4K TV channels. CenturyLink uses its Prism network. With the service you have access to the eero pods which allow you to create a Wi-Fi mesh. This are offered to help you stream in every corner of your house. With the service you have access to premium streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime video among others.
Customer service
Wave G offers its customers better customer care than CenturyLink. For some time the latter has being experiencing a lot of backlash from consumers who do not get their issues solved in time.
Provider |
Wave G |
CenturyLink |
Pricing |
$60 – $80 |
$50 -$65 |
Download speed |
100Mbps and 1Gbps |
100Mbps – 940Mbps |
Data cap |
2 TB |
None |
Contracts |
None |
None |
Both companies have internet plans with gigabit speeds however, Wave G offers better bundled packages that combine internet and TV. This allows you to stream from a wide variety of popular live streams like Netflix, this makes Wave G our winner for this review.
Can I establish a mesh network with Wave G?
Yes, the company does offer you the option of purchasing eero pods which you add to your network mesh
Is CenturyLink available in all states?
The company has a presence in over 37 states so you will need to login to their website to check whether you state is covered