How to use Google Voice for voicemail AT&T

Most businesses and individuals manage voice mails through Google Voice. Since this service can work with the AT&T network, it is possible to use it for voicemail AT&T.

Google voice can offer you a new phone number where you can forward all your calls from different lines. For you to use this service for voicemail AT&T, you need Google Voice lite. Start by going to the Google Voice website and sign in to your account. Click on ‘I want to use my number’ and look for available options. Choose Google Voice lite, then click on connect. Enter the verification code you will receive after the call on your computer and create a pin. Choose AT&T as your carrier to complete the process. Here is more!

What is Google Voice?

Most individuals have work phones and landline phones in their homes. This means that if there is no one at home when you are at work, you cannot receive a call on the landline phone at home. Having a single number as opposed to two or three numbers can make it easy for everyone to reach you by phone. You can achieve this through a service known as Google Voice.

Google voice can give you one phone number that makes communication easier. This service acts like a switchboard operator. Every time a person dials the Google voice number, the service will route the call to all of the phones so that you never miss a call regardless of your location.  It is a free service with numerous features, including voicemail, international calling, texting, voicemail transcriptions, call routing, and call blocking.

How you can use Google Voice for voicemail AT&T

Though Google voice is not a telephone service, you can use it for voicemail AT&T. This service offers a web interface that people can use to manage voice mails. For you to use the service for voicemail AT&T, you require Google Voice Lite. Follow the steps below to complete the simple process.

Go to the Google Voice homepage

If you are trying to use this service for the first time, you should first create an account. Look for the Google Voice website so that you can create the account. If you already have an existing account, you need to sign in first.

Specify the mobile number

After signing in, you will see a series of options that you can choose from. For instance, one section may ask you to specify the number you would like to use. If you want to utilize your mobile number, ensure you click on this section, then enter the mobile number. Confirm the number one more time before moving to the next step.

Click on available options

Apart from specifying the number you wish to use, you will see a section that is labeled available options. Once the window updates, you should click on get Google Voice Lite. This can help you start using Google voice for voicemail AT&T.



Once you have requested the service, you should click on the section that is written connect. Doing this gives Google Voice agents the leeway to call your mobile device. They call your AT&T device for activation purposes. When you receive the call, you should pay attention to the verification code that Google Voice will send to your mobile device. You have to enter this code on your PC so that your AT&T mobile device will be linked to Google Voice.

Create a pin

After you have entered the verification code and the link between Google Voice and your AT&T device is made, you will need to come up with apin. The security pin you create is what you will be using with Google voice mail. Ensure that it is a unique pin that is easy to remember. Your voice mail password can be a four to ten digit pin. Once you have entered it and checked the acceptance box, click on save.

Specify the carrier

You now have to specify the carrier you have been using. Look for the section labeled AT&T and click on it, then save. If the menu does not list different carriers automatically, you should click on change carrier, then choose AT&T and press continue. Once you have done this, any voice messages that were on the AT&T mobile device will automatically be saved to the Google Voice service. If you wish to access some of the voice mail messages, you can do this from the web interface of Google Voice.

A summary of the steps

Go to the Google Voice website.
While there, you can either create an account or sign in to an existing account.


Specify the mobile number you wish to use
Click on the section that is labeled I want to use my mobile number.


Go to available options.


You need to click on the Google Voice Lite option.
Connect and wait for the verification code
After choosing the option, click on connect. Google Voice will call your number and send you a verification code that you have to enter on your computer. This will create a link between your mobile device and Google Voice.


Create a pin
You need a secure pin that you will use with Google voice mail. It should be at least four digits. Click on save.


Specify the carrier
Use the drop-down menu to select AT&T as your carrier, then click on continue.



For you to use Google Voice for voicemail AT&T, you will need Google Voice lite. This service can easily replace the regular voicemail service that AT&T offers. Follow the steps that we have discussed above to start using Google Voice.


What is the benefit of using Google Voice?

This voicemail service can help you start customizing your voicemail and even send text messages at no cost.

Are all the Google Voice features free?

No. Though most of the features of this service come at no cost, you have to pay for some of the features, such as call recording.


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