How to Program Your X1 Box For 30-Second Skip and 15-Second Rewind

Comcast XFinity is an ideal way to entertainyou at home from sports, movies to TV Shows.


We all wish the commercials won’t show and if we can find an effective way of getting rid of the 30-second commercials while watching content on the XFinity X1 box. The current skip time is 5 minutes which is longer than the commercials. This means that you will have skipped a lot if you used this time frame. Also, you may want to replay say a move on the game and watch it again, so a 15-second rewind would be ideal. This is necessary especially in October during the football and baseball season peak.


To program your X1 Box for 30-second skip and 15-second rewind, move the remote near the X1 box and turn off the TV. Next, press the ‘Exit’ button on your remote three times consecutively and then press 0030.


When it comes to rewinding, most XFinity remotes come with a ‘Replay’ button that already allows one to rewind 15 seconds. However, you can still program your X1 box to not only skip 30 seconds forward, but also rewind 15 seconds. Programming your X1 box depends on the remote model that you are using. Its important to note that this method will only work on live/buffered TV and DCR-recorded programs. It won’t however work on XFinity on Demand titles.


XR2, XR11 & XR15 remotes


This method works on the XR2 remote and it could possibly also work on both the XR11 and the XR15 remotes while using them with the XFinity X1 box. To program your X1 box to skip 30 seconds forward into the Page UP button, take the remote and hold it close to the cable box. This is because you’re using the remote to program the cable box and not the remote itself. Next, turn off your TV and then press the ‘EXIT’ button on your remote three times consecutively. After that, type in 0030 using the key numbers on the remote. Now, when using you remote, you should be able to find the Page UP button that previously skipped ahead by 5 minutes now bale to skip ahead 30 seconds instead. The page down button should now be able to rewind by 15 seconds. However, the Replay button near the remote’s top can also be used to rewind 15 seconds.


What if I already had a 30-second skip and it stopped working?


The 30-second skip programming can stop working especially after a software update on Comcast or XFinity’s end. To program the skip once more, press the ‘Exit’ button three times then enter 0500 on your remote. Follow this by pressing ‘Exit’ three times and then enter 0030. To make sure that the programming is a success, when pressing these buttons, hold the remote closely to the X1 box, turn off the TV, and press each button deliberately in an average manner.


If this doesn’t work, press the Power button on the box and put the box on standby mode, unplug the cable box from the power outlet for at least two minutes and then plug it back in, and then program the box using the above steps. You can also unpair and pair the remote with the box, or replace the batteries then try programming.


A Summary table

How to Fix
How to Program Your X1 Box For 30-Second Skip and 15-Second Rewind
Move your remote very close to the X1 box, turn off the TV and then press the ‘Exit’ button three times followed by 0030 on your remote.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


What do I do if my XR15 remote lacks the ‘Replay’ button?


If you can’t seem to find the ‘Replay’ button on your XR15 remote, then set your X1 box to skip 15 seconds back. You can do so by pressing the ‘Exit’ button three times and then pressing 0030. Once you’ve done so successfully, the Page Up button will allow you to skip ahead 30 seconds and then Page Down will allow you to rewind 15 seconds.


How do I reset my XR15 remote without the Setup button?


To reset your XR15 remote, press & hold the A or triangle button together with the D or diamond button on the remote for at least three seconds. Wait until the status LED light turns from red to green in color and then enter 9-8-1 on your remote. To know if the reset was successful, the LED light will blink blue twice.


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