How to Fix ‘US/DS Light Blinking’ on Xfinity Internet Connection

Have you noticed an uncontrollable blinking light on the front panel of your cable modem and are wondering what exactly the problem could be? Rather, are you wondering what you should do when this happens? Well, it could be a signal problem and you may need to follow the troubleshooting steps in this article so that you can seamlessly make use of the internet.

The LEDs at the front panel of your cable modem are a visual indication of its current power and internet status. More often than not, you will notice the upstream/ downstream lights come on briefly when you are trying to establish a connection on your cable modem. When it flashes continuously, it is simply an indicator that your modem is unable to establish a stable connection because of either a defective or a missing signal.

You can fix the US/DS blinking light issue on Xfinity Internet Connection through direct plugging, by resetting your cable modem or by ensuring that your coaxial cable is properly connected.

Before all else, what could the problem be when the ‘US/DS Light’ keeps blinking?

Typically, the reasons as to why the US/DS light keeps blinking on your cable modem could either be because the wiring hasn’t been correctly configured, your modem is not working or your modem is probably defective.

Generally, the transmitter indicator on your cable modem has been designed to indicate the status of your uplink. When it is on, it shows that there is a fixed and stable uplink connection between you and your Internet Service Provider. Also, it could indicate a fixed upstream connection between the CMTS and your residential gateway. When it flashes uncontrollably, then it is an indicator that there is a connection failure between you and your ISP.

However, this is not always the case when the US/DS light keeps blinking as the problem could be from your end and you can easily sort this out on your own by following a few trouble shooting steps that we will discuss in the next part of this article.

So, what should you do when this happens?

Based on the above reasons as to why the US/DS lights keep blinking on your cable modem, the following trouble shooting options should suffice;

Solution one: Confirm whether your Coaxial Cable is working properly

Sometimes, the problem could be with your coaxial cable because maybe the wiring has been incorrectly configured. For this reason, you would need to remove the coaxial cable from your cable modem but leave it powered on during the process. Once you have done this, you should leave your modem inactive for some time until you notice that the reception indicator has started flashing. Next, you would need to disconnect your modem from the power supply and then reconnect the coaxial cable that you previously removed back into the modem. After doing this, you should try reconnecting your modem to the power supply and check whether you can establish a stable connection. If this does not work, then maybe you need to get in touch with an Xfinity customer service representative for additional help.

Solution Two: Reset your Cable Modem

Other times, your modem could stop working due to a power failure. What you would need to do in this case, is to reset the unit. To do this, you would need to disconnect your cable modem from the power socket and then press and hold the power button on your cable modem for about 30 seconds to a minute. Once you have done this, you should reconnect your cable modem and wait for its internet services to restart. Connect your devices and then check whether the problem still persists. If it does, then you would need to get in touch with an Xfinity customer service representative for additional help.

Solution Three: Direct Plugging

Also, the US/DS blinking lights issue could arise from a problem with the splitters in your cable modem. Maybe the splitter being used to split the internet cable is defective thus preventing the establishment of a stable internet connection. If this is the case, you are required to directly connect the cable to your internet modem and check whether the problem remains persistent. If the US/DS light stops blinking, then the separator used is defective but if it still persists then you may need to seek the replacement of your network device from an Xfinity store.

A summary on how to fix ‘US/DS Light Blinking on Xfinity Internet Connection

Issue Causes How to fix
US/DS Light Blinking The wiring is incorrectly configured Confirm whether the coaxial cable is working properly
Modem isn’t working due to a power failure Reset your modem and check whether you can establish a stable connection
Defective modem due to faulty splitters Direct plugging


Before contacting your Internet Service Provider, you should try out the above troubleshooting steps because at times the problem may be very temporary and easy to fix.


  1. What does DS light mean on modem?

The DS/ Downstream light on your cable modem serves as an indicator of whether your modem is getting a signal over its coaxial cable.

  1. What LED indicators should be on my modem?

Standard modems should have a LAN blinking green light and a solid green Power indicator. The rest depend on its manufactures and are indicated in the instruction manual that comes in its packaging.

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