How long will a UPS run a router

A router like most electronic devices relies on a constant power supply directly from the power source to run.

A router comes without a battery of its own which might sometimes pose an issue when the power goes out and you can’t access the internet on your devices and even sent out an email. This to most people isn’t a challenge, but a UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) on standby can be a worthwhile investment. But how long can a UPS run a router?

A UPS can run a router for between 15 minutes to 3 hours depending on the UPS brand, rating, router’s power consumption, and the number of devices connected to it.  

A UPS is a battery with inbuilt electronic controls and outlets that you plug an electronic device into and in the event of a power outage; it automatically powers the device and keeps doing so uninterruptedly until the power comes back on. Most UPS models indicate the amount of time remaining on their front pane to help you save your important documents if you’re using a desktop.

The amount of time it takes a UPS to run a router depends on several factors including the UPS manufacturer, the router’s power consumption, the UPS rating, and the number of devices that you simultaneously connect to the UPS. UPSs have different hardware based on the manufacturer which makes them differ from a model to another when it comes to functionality and ratings too. Wi-Fi routers being solid-state devices consume low power. On average, routers use between 2 to 20 watts with the average being 6 watts per router. As you can see, not all routers will consume the same amount of power, some more others less. The number of devices connected to a UPS too is a factor to consider. UPSs come with power outlets of up to 6 which are enough for any other device that needs a constant power supply like a modem or desktop. These devices’ power consumpion will also vary meaning it’s not that easy how long the UPS will last.

The most important factor to look at when determining how long a UPS can run your router is the rating. A UPS capacity is the maximum number of Volts multiplied by Amps that it can deliver and is rated in Volt Amps (VA). This Volt Amps is not the same as Watts which is the current draw. There is a wide range of UPS VA to choose from ranging from about 350VA up to 2,200VA. A 500VA UPS can run a router for up to 30 minutes, a 600VA comfortably runs your router for between 30 minutes to an hour, an 800VA UPS can run the same router for about one and a half hours, 1, 000VA runs the router for approximately between an hour and an hour and a half, a 1,500VA UPS will last for a maximum of 3 hours while a 2,200VA UPS can run a router for a whopping 18 hours!

UPS rating
Approximate duration
15 – 30 minutes
30 – 60 minutes
1 – 1 ½ hour
1, 000VA
1 – 1 ½ hour
3 hours
18 hours

What UPS should I get for my router?

Since power outages don’t last for long, a 500VA UPS would be enough in such scenarios. However, sometimes these outages can last longer than that for even hours or days depending on the severity and where you live. Based on your location and experience with power outages, you can pick what best works for you.

Other benefits of a UPS

A UPS not only provides an uninterrupted power supply, but it also protects your electronic devices against brownouts and power surges using an Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) when power is still on. The AVR’s job is to regulate the voltage in case it’s too high or too low for the UPS to provide a consistent voltage output to your router. This stops your devices from rebooting or your internet going off when there’s a power outage or brownouts hence protecting them against destruction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What’s the difference between Volts Amp and Watts?

UPSs come with both maximum VA and watt rating which means that neither of these numbers is to be exceeded when in use. The VA rating is the product of the voltage currently drawn by the UPS and the voltage applied and it’s used for sizing circuit breakers and wiring. Watts on the other hand measures the amount of real power drawn.

Can a UPS run a TV?

Yes. Simply plug the TV in the UPS.

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