AT&T Passport plan vs. international day pass plan – Find the right plan for your needs

Are you looking to start traveling overseas? This can be quite fun. If you are planning to bring along different devices, you should consider getting subscribing to either the AT&T Passport plan or the international day pass plan.

During my first international trip, I learned a couple of lessons the hard way. Though I had carried my iPhone with me, I continued using my regular data plan. When my trip was over, and I went back home, I was confronted by large bills that I could have avoided if I chose a good plan. If you are an AT&T customer, you can avoid such an experience by signing up for an affordable plan. Both the AT&T Passport plan and the international day pass plan are great plans that can save you a lot of cash. Before you go for your trip and sign up for either of these plans, you should first find out how they compare.

When to use AT&T Passport plan

This is an ideal plan that you should use if you intend on traveling overseas for a month or two. It is ideal for people who are always traveling from one country to the next for a long time.

When to use international day pass plan

If you want to travel overseas for one or two days, you should consider signing up for the international day pass plan. This plan is only good if you are traveling for a limited time. It is also ideal for short term travelers who use a lot of data while on their trips.

How we evaluate AT&T Passport plan and international day pass plan

Using the following criteria can help you make the right choice between the AT&T passport plan and the international day pass plan. Some of the crucial factors include:

The number of options available– This can help one gauge the flexibility of a package when comparing the options.

Price– Regardless of the money you are willing to spend on an international plan, you should ensure that it is a cost-effective and valuable one.

Purpose-Though both plans come from the same internet service provider, they are marketed towards customers with different needs.

AT&T Passport plan vs. international day pass plan-Comparison overview

AT&T Passport plan

Since most of the phone plans cover use only in America, you should avoid using a device while traveling overseas since this is considered international roaming. When you are traveling overseas for a long time, you should sign up for a passport plan. This plan can help you make calls or even text at a cheaper rate than relying on international roaming. It is impressive since it is available in more than 200 countries.

The AT&T Passport rates are summarized as follows.

Passport 1GB
Passport 3GB
$60 per month
$ 120 per month
Data overage
Data limit
1 GB
3 GB
$0.35 per minute
$ 0.35 per minute


  • It offers unlimited texting.
  • The calling rates are affordable.
  • Available in numerous countries


  • The plan does not pull from the US data allowance.

International day pass plan

Once you have signed up for the international day pass plan, you can enjoy using data to do things such as emailing, checking maps, or posting pictures of your destination on social media. The plan also allows you to make unlimited calls and send unlimited texts back to people in the US. It also gives you the liberty to communicate with people in countries that include international day pass. The daily plan only begins when you start using data.

This plan costs only $ 10 per day, and it is available in more than 100 countries. As long as you visit a country that supports the international day pass plan, it should work automatically on all of our devices. This amount applies to only one line. If you add another line on the same account, you will be charged an extra $5 per day.


  • The company charges you only for the specific days you use it.
  • It is cheap when you are traveling for a day or two.
  • Supported in most countries


  • It only offers a single option.

AT&T Passport plan vs. international day pass plan-How do they compare?

Options available

The AT &T passport plan gives travelers more options than the international day pass since you can choose between the 1GB or 3GB passport plan. The international day pass plan is a bit limiting since it only offers a single option.


The difference in price is evident. AT&T passport plan goes for a price ranging from $60- $120 per month. On the other hand, the international day pass plan comes at a daily fee of $ 10 per line. If you add an extra line, you will be charged $ 5 extra.

If you have a big US data plan, you should consider choosing an international data pass. This is because the data you utilize is pulled from your regular data allowance. On the other hand, the passport plan can be used when you have a limited allowance since it is not pulled from your US data.


AT&T passport plan is ideal for long term use, while the international day pass plan is suitable for short term use.


AT&T can help you stay connected with your loved ones even when you are traveling overseas. You can choose either the international day pass plan or the passport plan, depending on how long you are traveling and your budget.


How can I maximize using the passport plan?

You should disable the apps that you don’t frequently use and keep on tracking your data usage from time to time. Disabling automatic updates is also advisable.

What will AT&T charge me if I use the international day pass from different countries?

You should only expect to be charged the daily fee if you travel to different countries on the same day.

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