(Solved) Netgear router lights on but no internet- How to fix

Having a stable internet in your home is quite convenient since it can help you can do things like streaming movies, browsing, or downloading files.

If your Netgear router lights are on, but you don’t have internet, this can be a confusing moment since you may not understand what the problem is. This is a common issue that some Netgear router users experience at some point. It sometimes occurs due to slow internet speeds, loose wires, conflicting wireless modes, or using an outdated network driver. You can try fixing it through restarting your device and trying to connect other devices or restarting the modem. Flushing DNS cache and updating the old network driver can also help. Here is more!

How to fix router lights on but no internet problem

Try using different devices

If you are trying to connect the internet to your computer but are not successful, you can attempt connecting other devices. If you manage to connect the rest of your devices through your wifi network, it means that the first device that failed to connect is the one with the problem. Its wifi adapter could also be the problem. Try restarting this device and reconnecting it to see if it works.

Sometimes, slow internet speed can make it hard to connect devices to the network. If this is the problem, different webpages may take a long time to load. If you suspect this, check the internet speed. Once you notice that your internet is too slow to connect, you could contact the internet service provider.

Focus on the cable and wires

The lack of internet on your router can sometimes come from improperly connected cable and wires. Focus on the ADSL cable to confirm if it is connected to the router properly. Pull it out then reconnect it. If you notice any physical damages on the cable, you should consider replacing it. Also, focus on the rest of the wires on your router and adapter. Any loose or damaged wires can prevent you from accessing the internet as usual.

Restart the router or consider resetting it

You can easily fix internet connection problems by restarting the Netgear router. Unplug the router and adapter from the power source. Give the router enough time to restart and then check if you can now use the internet on your devices.  If you cannot access the internet after restarting the router, you should consider resetting it to factory settings. This action makes the router new again and can help you access the internet once more. It takes back all the networking components to the original settings. To reset the router, look for a reset button on the device that is found inside a small hole. Use a pin to press it down.

Adjust the wireless mode on the Netgear router

The wireless mode that your router uses have an impact on the wifi coverage and speed you get. Some of the standards that most routers use include 802.11g, 802.11ac, and 802.11b. IEEE is the organization that defines these standards. It does this to ensure uniformity across different router models. 802.11b is known to be the slowest while 802.11ac is the fastest and latest. If you have an old device that connects to 802.11g and the Netgear router that is based on 802.11ac, it creates conflict since your device may struggle to connect to the latest standard.

For you to fix this problem, start by checking the router detail through opening command prompt. Once you type in “ipconfig,” the information regarding your router will be displayed. You should then enter the IP address in the browser’s URL box. Use your password and username to log into your router. Once you are there, find the section labeled wireless mode under the wireless settings. You can now adjust the wireless mode accordingly to eliminate any conflict between your devices. Ensure that you restart the wifi and check if the problem is solved.

Update old network driver

Using an old or outdated network driver can also prevent you from accessing the internet even when the Netgear router lights are on. You can try fixing this problem by pressing the keys, Windows + R. Once you do this, type in “devmgmt.msc.” This should open the device manager. Find the option that reads network adapters, then click on your wifi network. You can now update the network driver. Choose the option of searching for updated driver software automatically. The updates driver software will automatically be downloaded and installed within a few minutes to help you fix the internet error.

Flush DNS cache

If you cannot access the internet on your computer, even when the Netgear router lights are on, the problem could be that the DNS cache is corrupted. This is the data that the computer’s operating system stores temporarily. When the data is corrupted, it prevents you from accessing web pages. Flushing the DNS cache can, therefore, fix the problem. To do this, press the keys window + R on your PC and type cmd. Once the command prompt is open, enter command ipconfig then click enter.

What causes a lack of internet when Netgear router lights are on?
How to fix it
A problem with one of your devices
Restart the device
Slow internet speed
Talk to the internet service provider
Look at the cable and wires on the router
Reconnect them and replace any damaged wires
Conflicting wireless modes
Change the wireless mode
Using an outdated network driver
Update it
Corrupted DNS cache
Flush the DNS cache


Loosing internet connection when you are in the middle of something can be frustrating. If the Netgear router lights are still on but you cannot access the internet, you can try some of the techniques we have highlighted above. Good luck!


Should the Netgear router lights be solid or flickering?

Solid lights show that the router is working correctly. Flickering lights, on the other hand, show something is wrong.

What is the purpose of the DNS cache?

This stores your recent visits to certain websites so that you can access the webpages again without delays.

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