Is 12 Mbps Good For Gaming

Yes, 12mbps is good for gaming, but you need to ensure that no other bandwidth intensive activities are being run on the same network from different devices. 12mbps can accommodate more players, which then means that gaming doesn’t really use a lot of data rather it is more prone to lagging.

The Federal communications commission (FCC), has set the standard gaming download speeds at 3 to 4 mbps. That is 3mbps when using the regular gaming console and up to 4mbps for the multiplayer games, but don’t celebrate yet because for as much as the speeds might seem low, they only cater to a single player, meaning that if you are to add more players then the you might want to opt for the 12mbps.

Online games vary in bandwidth usage, for example there are games that will require video communication through Skype, and as we all know the particular social communication platform will burn through your data allocation. But you can always go around it and use the voice calls instead of video. Gaming enthusiasts who therefore, wish to engage an uninterrupted consistent gaming experience should have at least 10 to 25mbps.

Which is the best internet service for gaming?

There are various types of internet gaming services, each of which is distinct from the other, there coverage varies, with regards to location, and the reason why gamers need to be keen with the ISP that they settle with for their gaming requirements.

Satellite– is not very common in the urban centers, so if your orientation is mostly around the rural area then you will be able to enjoy gaming but with all sorts of problems, for example the games might take a lot of time to respond, and some might be spotty. The above then takes us back to internet, where we recommend that you get the best speeds for gaming that you can afford and one that is within your budget.

Coaxial cable– are more like the cables that are used in providing the cable TV, and truth be told it does offer one of the best internet gaming speeds. If you are lucky to access this option then knock yourself out, but be on the lookout for the exceptionally slow speeds, which would mean that you and your neighbors are connected to the same server. And since you will be streaming simultaneously the system gets overwhelmed by traffic.

DSL-is a household name given that it is built on the existing phone lines, when gaming with DSL consistency is a piped dream, and even worse is if by any chance you happen to move away from the internet provider’s hub because then the service will become slower. DSL is not weather proof, so in the event of extreme weather conditions you will likely be left without service.

The Fiber Optic Cable- can also be termed as the home of gaming, fiber optic cables are the best for online gaming and will therefore, offer you faster upload and download speeds, complete with faster response times.

When talking about gaming, there are two aspects to the concept, the fact that you will either download or upload the games. There are occasions that gaming enthusiasts will want to live stream their games for other people to see, and which can best be done through a wired internet. And while wired connections enables faster responses, gamers must still ensure that they have upload speeds of about 5mbps and high download speeds of about 50mbps.

Two best ways of improving your internet gaming speeds

There are so many methods that the gaming enthusiasts can adopt to improve their internet gaming speeds, we have however, narrowed down to two.

  1. Ensure that your ISP has a strong presence in the area that you live and that the package you have subscribed to will accommodate other devices, as you game online
  2. Ensure to get a wired connection, using the Ethernet cable that can be connected to your router.
Internet Service Provider
Download speeds
AT and T Fiber
Verizon Fios Home Internet


12Mbps is good for gaming but you will also want to consider the types of game that you want to play and if you might want other people to come on board. For example, if you want four players online then they would each need up to 3mbps, meaning that 12mbps upload and about 6mbps download should suffice.


  1. Which are the best gaming speeds that avoid lagging?

The best speeds are 20mbps and above

  1. What are the recommended speeds when gaming on a computer?

The recommended speeds are 40-60mbps or 3-6mbps download and 2mbps upload speeds.




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