How much data does Xbox use on hotspot?

Xbox allows you to connect with online friends when playing games, downloading game content, and even watching movies in some instances.

Many network carrier services will provide many methods to track your data usage, with some inbuilt in your phone and others involving apps. Tethering multiple devices to the hotspot eventually results in the draining of your data faster, regardless of the activities you carry out.

So how much data should you expect your Xbox to use when you connect to a hotspot? It depends on the specific activity you are doing rather than the Xbox or the platform itself, as some activities will use more data than others. Expect to use a maximum of 100MB of data per day on average. For instance, if you are playing daily for an average of 4 hours, you will use up to 400 MB on average.

How much data should you expect to use on a hotspot on Xbox?

For a basic idea of the data amounts you are using, the following table should outline various activities. Note that these data requirements may also apply when you are doing them on a smartphone or any other device.

Data usage on a hotspot table

Online activity
Data usage per 30 minutes (average)
Data usage per hour (average)
30 MB
60 MB
Ranges from 150 MB (lowest quality) to 3.5 GB (highest quality)
From 300 MB (lowest quality) to 7 GB (highest quality)
Music streaming
Maximum of 75 MB
Maximum of 150 MB
About 150 MB
About 300 MB

 It is also good to consider the data you are using during gaming, especially if you are an enthusiast. The bandwidth you use per hour will depend on the specific game rather than the platform itself – for instance, when you play Dota 2 on an Xbox, it will consume the same data as when you play it on PlayStation 4.

It is also good to note that most multiplayer games will consume more data compared to single-playerones due to:

  • How many players are in the game: If a game requires high numbers of players, you will need more data to communicate with all their networks while also sharing important information with them, such as your stats.
  • Higher frame rates: This will allow for better processing speed, less lagging, and faster refreshing – but it will cost more data to run. This is particularly prominent in FPS (first-person shooter) games such as Overwatch.
  • Tick rates: These are similar to the FPS rates, as they determine the number of times the game refreshes every second. The higher they are, the more data consumption the game needs.
  • Voice chats: These will require more data to run, though you can turn them off. Using them will consume an average of 50 MBper hour while disabling them can reduce your consumption to 30 MB per hour at least.

Data consumption of some online games

Average data consumption per hour (average)
Final Fantasy XIV
20 MB
3 MB
Teamfight Tactics
60 MB
40 MB
League of Legends
45 MB
Grand Theft Auto V Online
60 MB
Rainbow Six Siege
70 MB
Destiny 2
300 MB
115 MB
135 MB
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
80 MB
Call of Duty: World War II
40 MB
100 MB

Other factors that may impact your data usage

Even though the idea is to use a high-speed broadband connection when using Xbox, you may experience some performance issues when using a hotspot other than the average Mbps you have.

  • The time you connect to the Xbox service can be a factor in the data amounts you use. Most user traffic is during the evening and night hours, so daytime connections are likely to remain faster and you will use less bandwidth.
  • Whether the hotspot is carrying out other internet activities – it is good to check your bandwidth when connecting to Xbox. If your aim is minimizing your data use, ensure you turn off extra video streaming or downloading services and connect fewer devices to the network.


When using your hotspot data for an Xbox package, it will likely exceed your limits if you work with a tight allowance for monthly data. For this reason, it is always preferable to install a broadband service to use it, as you will enjoy more benefits like unlimited data allowances and better download speeds.


Is it possible to operate Xbox One through a mobile hotspot?

In most cases, yes, it can. However, it may not work if you are using an iPhone in place of an Android device.

Do I use more data when I connect to a hotspot compared to when I use mobile broadband?

No, because your data usage depends on the specific activity you are doing and the number of devices on the hotspot.

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