Dns_Probe_Finished_No_Internet – Causes and How to Fix

One of the common errors you will find on Google Chrome is DNS Probe Finished No Internet. It is displayed anytime you try to access a website. Here is why and what to do about it. 

DNS or Domani Name System is a computer service that translates IP addresses into hostnames and Hostnames into IP addresses. It has a major role to play in the functionality of the internet.

Errors in the DNS occur mostly when the connection is poor or when there is a problem with the default DNS server your device uses.

To fix the Dns_Probe_Finished_No_Internet error, you may need to change the DNS to one created by Google, clear cache, update the Chrome browser, and reset the IP address. 

There are plenty more suggestions to try such as checking the firewall, uninstalling apps, trying a new instruction on Command Prompt, and resetting the router.

Cause of Dns_Probe_Finished_No_Internet

DNS or Domani Name System is a computer service that translates IP addresses into hostnames and Hostnames into IP addresses.

The computer understands numbers. So, when we type in a hostname in the search engine, the DNS system converts this into IP addresses that the machine can interpret and link to.

It is when complications occur that DNS fails to work effectively resulting in the error message. The cause of these challenges could be; malware, service stopped working or responding to misconfigurations, or a website that is down.

Regardless of the reason behind the error, these suggestions will help resolve it.

Summary table: Resolve Dns_Probe_Finished_No_Internet

Issue Cause Fix




Malicious attacks Disable and replace systems
Misconfigurations Reset and reboot devices
Unresponsive DNS Change DNS/ reset IP
Update Browser

Resolve Dns_Probe_Finished_No_Internet

The first thing to do is to check that the internet connection is working. Then you can restart your computer, router, and modem for a fresh start.

Perform a system scan using your most recently updated antivirus software and run a system optimizer to help clean out the junk files.

Then you can restart Windows and reopen Google Chrome to check for any further errors.

Replace Default DNS 

The next step would be to replace the default DNS server on your Windows device with another DNS server such as Google or Open DNS.

The default DNS that your machine uses is that pulled from the Internet Service Producer. Unfortunately, these servers tend to be unresponsive and unstable sometimes which is why you get these errors.

Changing the DNS will help to end related errors, improve response between computers and servers, protect your information from hackers, phishing, and malware attacks, as well as can access blocked websites.

To change the default DNS to Google DNS server, go to settings, click on Network and Internet then Network Connections.

Select the connection type, whether Ethernet, Dial-up, or VPN on the left pane, and then on the right, choose the option to change adapter options.

Right, click on the connection and select option “properties”. In the properties window for IPv4, select use DNS server addresses.

Enter for preferred DNS and as the alternate DNS. Save the changes, reboot, and relaunch Chrome to see a resolution.

Clean up History and Cache

Before performing this task, first, confirm that the error lies within your Chrome browser. To do this, test out the website you are unable to access on other browsers such as Microsoft, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and others.

If they are also not able to load the page successfully, there will be no need to try this solution because it is obvious the problem lies elsewhere.

However, if you can access the page on other browsers, then you can proceed to clear and delete all data from Chrome.

It is advisable to back up the Chrome data before cleaning out the application for access in future references.

Try New Command prompt 

If the above solutions have not yet solved the error, try to reset, renew, or release your IP address using a few instructions in the Command Prompt system.

First, start the Command prompt program by pressing Windows + R and then typing cmd.exe in the Run search box and click enter.

Next, type in netshwinsock reset in the Command prompt program and press enter. Restart Google Chrome and check if it works.

Reboot or Change Settings in your Modem

The scope of the error will let you know if doing a reset is necessary. If no other browsers are affected other than Chrome, you may skip this step.

In case the issue affects the entire connection and you are not able to access any program or application within the internet, you must reset and change some settings of your modem or router.

Unplug their power cables and disconnect them from the main power source. Give it about 5 minutes then plug them back in power up to check if service is restored.

Uninstall Website Filtering Apps

Firewall applications and antivirus software can block some websites for specific reasons. These applications can be temporarily disabled to confirm if they are the cause of the error or not.

If they are identified as the cause of the error, then they must be uninstalled and replaced with alternatives.

Update Google Chrome 

An updated browser and plug-ins make for the best experience and network performance as well as bug and error fixes.

To make your browser run more smoothly, keep it updated. To confirm that you are on the latest browser version, open Chrome and select the three dots located at the right and top of the screen.

Then click on Help and then About Google Chrome. Here you should see the browser you are on and if not the latest, there will be a notification suggesting an update.


All these are steps you may take to solve the Dns_Probe_Finished_No_Internet error. You can try them one after the other until the issue gets resolved.

If, unfortunately, you are unable to clear the error, contact your service provider to help you make the adjustments needed to regain your connection.


How do I reset my Android phone’s DNS settings?

Open Chrome browser and on the left pane click on DNS. Then click on Clear Host Cache on the right pane. That’s all!

How do I clear the DNS cache?

Press Windows + X to open the WinX menu then right-click command prompt and select to run as administrator. Enter the command ipconfig:/flushdns 

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