How to fix Comcast error 14
Comcast error 14 is an error code caused by misconfigured system files in your windows operating system. It takes up a numerical format and has a memory location on the instructions that were input at the time of error.
After getting an error on your laptop we always result to the regular solution which is troubleshooting. But fixing errors isn’t as easy as troubleshooting the error away. Having a specific step by step approach is always easier and less annoying.
Comcast error 14 is the hexadecimal format of the error caused used by Windows and other software and driver vendors compatible with Windows. The error code has a technical description and a numerical error number. It is used by vendors to identify the error caused. The code is also the address to memory locations where the instructions were loaded at the time of error.
This error can be fixed both manually, known as the Advanced Computer User Solution and automatically, known as the Novice Computer User Solution. With this in mind let’s look at what causes the Comcast error 14 before diving into the solutions.
Table of Contents
What causes Comcast error 14?
- Windows systems files damage
Corrupted systems files can be a real threat to the well being of your computer. Events leading to systems files error can be through an incomplete installation, an incomplete install and improper deletion of applications or hardware.
- Recovery of your computer from a virus or spyware/adware attack
- Improper shutdown of your computer
All the above causes could result in the deletion of the entries in the windows system files which will then lead to the missing and wrongly linked information needed for the proper working of the application.
Where to find Comcast error 14 in your PC
You should find the Comcast error 14 file in the PC’s system 32 folder as this file is technically executed from the windows system 32 folder.
A summary on Causes and Where to find Comcast Error 14
Causes of Comcast Error 14 |
Windows systems files damage |
Improper shutdown of your computer |
Recovery of your computer from a virus or spyware/adware attack |
Where to find the error |
PC’s system 32 folder |
How to fix Comcast error 14
The error can be fixed in the following two ways:
Manual update – Advanced Computer User Solution
Use the following steps:
- Start your computer and log in as the admin
- Select the ‘Start’ button and then click on All Programs, Accessories, Systems Tools, in that order then click on ‘System restore’
- Select “Restore my computer to an earlier time” option in the new window then Click on “Next”
- Click on the most recent system restore point from the ‘On this list, click a restore point’ list then select “Next”
- Select “Next” on the confirmation window
- Restart the computer after restoration is complete
Automatic update- Novice Computer Solution
Use the following steps:
- Download (Comcast on Demand Error Code Cl-14) repair utility.
- Install the program and click the Scan button.
- Click on ‘fix errors’ when the scan is complete.
- Restart your computer.
How does this application work?
This tool will scan and diagnose then repair your computer with patent pending technology that fixes your windows operating system structure.
The application is compatible with:
Windows 7, XP, Vista and 2000.
The main features of this tool are:
- Management of Program removal
- Reboots issues and repairs system freezing
- Customization of Start ups
- Live updates.
- Repair of Windows structure.
- Management of Browser helper object.
A summary on how to fix Comcast error 14
1 |
Start computer and log in |
2 |
· Click Start button
· Then Click All Programs · Then Click Accessories · Then Click on System tools · Then Click on System restore |
Install then scan |
3 |
Select “Restore my computer to an earlier time” then Next |
Click on the Fix Errors button |
4 |
Select most recent “restore point” from list |
Restart computer |
5 |
Select “next” on confirmation window |
6 |
Restart computer after restoration is complete |
Following the steps above should help you fix Comcast error 14 on your windows systems software either through the manual update or automatic update. They are simplified troubleshooting steps that will save you time and help you get back on your work schedule as soon as possible.
What is Comcast error 14?
Comcast error 14 is an error code caused by misconfigured system files in your windows operating system. The error code has a technical description and a numerical error number.
What causes Comcast error 14?
Windows systems files damage, recovery of your computer from a virus or spyware/adware attack and improper shutdown of your computer are some of the reasons behind the Comcast error 14.
They result in the deletion of the entries in the windows system files which then lead to missing and wrongly linked information needed for the proper working of the application.
How can you fix the Comcast error 14?
This error can be fixed both manually and automatically.
What are some of the main features of the tool used in the automatic update?
The basic features of this tool include Management of Program removal, Reboots issues and repairs system freezing, Customization of Start ups, live updates, Repair of Windows structure and Management of Browser helper object.
How can I access the tool used in the Automatic update?
Download (Comcast on Demand Error Code Cl-14) repair utility.