Does Airplane Mode Charge Faster?

Just by the fact that they are electronic devices, all smartphone batteries have a limited lifespan. However much so, there are multiple ways through which you can charge your phone much faster.

As a heavy smartphone use, I am forever in search of longer battery life and I believe that fast charging is the only way to keep me topped all day every day considering the absence of replaceable batteries that previously made it as easy as carry a battery backup to use whenever one runs out. I have held to my phone for about one and a half years now and one thing I have notices is that its battery doesn’t really last as long as it did when I had purchased it. Now, it can’t even make it through the day without having being charged twice.

I have come to learn that general battery capacity for all smartphones declines as the phone ages. In as much so, there are way too many ways through which you can prolong the battery life of your hone and allow it to charge much faster. So, if you are wondering what the best way to charge your smartphone faster is, then you may want to try out charging your phone when it is on Airplane mode.

Charging your Phone on Airplane Mode

If you are a heavy smartphone user like I am then you most definitely know how exhausting it is to stare at your phone’s screen while it slowly charges. Rather, it becomes even more difficult to wait patiently for hours just so its battery can be fully replenished. Other times, you may find yourself in a hurry to leave the house but you can’t do so until your phone is fully charged so that you can access important features associated with online transfers and GPS navigation. If you have found yourself in any of these situations, then charging your phone on Airplane mode has the potential to replenish your phones battery faster.

So, does your phone actually charge faster when on airplane mode?

What happens is that, when your phone is on Airplane mode, all Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and infrared connections that could potentially slow down charging are completely disabled. In addition, airplane mode hinders your smartphone from trying to communicate with cellular towers around you that tend to use a great portion of your battery when searching for a signal.

While putting your phone on Airplane mode does not directly affect the whole charging process, it simply takes away any processes that have the potential to use a lot of power on your phone. Aside from that, if your mobile device is running multiple background applications, it will take up so much battery from your phone as compared to when there are none and when your phone is disconnected from the internet. Once on airplane mode, there is a way that your background apps are less active and this eventually prevent fast battery use.

However, whether your phone is connected to the internet or not, the battery of your mobile device can only work around a certain current before it begins to overheat. Generally, your phone has an inaugural battery receiver that regulates the power that goes into it within every minute to prevent any damages.

So, when we look closely at charging your phone on Airplane mode, we can establish that putting your phone on Airplane mode certainly does help it charge a lot faster than when it is not. Multiple experiments however, show that the difference isn’t so big when compared to charging your phone when it is connected to the internet. When on Airplane mode, it simply boosts the battery replenishing process on your phone by about 1-3%.

Are there any other ways through which you can charge your phone faster?

Yes. There are multiple ways through which you can charge much faster aside from charging it on airplane mode, which we will discuss in this section.

  1. Avoid using your phone when it is charging

Using apps on your phone while it is charging will take a lot more time for your mobile phone to be fully charged. Once you have plugged it in, you should give it time until it is fully charged before you unplug it.

  1. Plug it directly to the wall

At times, we tend to use our laptops and tablets to charge our phones. This does not really help the situation as it makes your phone charge a lot slower. USB ports generally emit a lot less power when compared to wall sockets. In the event that your phone isn’t charging faster when connected to your laptop, you should always switch it to the wall socket before you begin to assume that the problem comes from your laptop.

  1. Try using a fast charger to charge your phone

Generally, fast chargers have been designed and developed to allow more power into your smartphone within a shorter period of time without potentially damaging its battery. So, you may want to invest in one.

  1. Turn your phone off before charging it

Doing this may prevent you from viewing a few important notifications but it certainly will ensure that your phone charges a lot faster since all processes that your phone can perform are eliminated.

Final Thoughts

When you are leaving the house with your phone, always remember that there are many battery saving options that you can work around. Always ensure that you have turned off your background apps that you aren’t using, lower its brightness and always consider putting it on Battery Saver or Low Power mode. Once you get back home, you can put it on airplane mode so that it can charge faster for you to use it before bed.


  1. At what percentage should I charge my phone?

Ensure to always plug in your phone when it is between 30-40% and then pull the plug when it is between 80-90%.

  1. How long does it take to charge my phone when it is on Airplane mode?

It usually takes about 4 hours to fully charge your phone but when on Airplane mode it may take an hour or an hour and a half less.

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